Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Hash and poached egg

Packages are all, but one, on their way across the country and up and down the state of California. Cards are almost done.  I managed to get my local friends gifts wrapped and under my little tree.  I guess this will be my tree from now on. It used to reside in the kitchen as my little "beachy tree".

I do not intend to struggle putting up a live Christmas tree ever again by myself. It was hard enough for the two of us to get the thing in the tree stand and straight and still be talking to each other.  I kind of miss the fresh smell but certainly not the dead needles all over the place. 

I have been making brunch on Sundays when I am home ( just got back from 3 weeks in Australia) but nothing that I deemed worthy to write about.  Kind of re-doing previous posts recipes like Baked Eggs with an Attitude.  Now I bake the egg in a small shallow casserole for one instead of the skillet being extra careful not to overcook the egg.

Speaking of recipes, my 2013 goal is to try to figure out how to index the recipes on blogspot. I  may need a webmaster type of person to help out.  No one can just look at my blogs and have any clue as to what I cooked unless you open all of them up. I apologize.

Today I tidied up my dining room table to make room for my brunch.

It was a "re-do" but a little different Chicken Hash with poached egg, fruit compote and toast from  Valentine's day blog 2012 . Using the recipe for Chicken Hash for 2, (see if I had it indexed you could just click on it)  I substituted one small yam for the potatoes, added 2 mushrooms and a small green chile, chopped.  Not much of a change but what a difference! Actually it would be great without the chicken for a vegetarian option using water or vege stock instead of chicken stock to moisten the hash.
It was quite colorful and kind of  " Christmas ey". 
The egg was poached perfectly

It is a rainy day. I need to get my grocery list together for the Christmas dinner I am hosting for 8, immerse myself in football (Go Niners!!!)  and finish up the cards.

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas with family and friends, or just by yourself.
See you next year.


  1. The last two years Mark and I have almost come to blows while putting up the tree. For the first time ever I started to think it would be nice to have a little artificial tree. Good for you!
    What are you making for Christmas dinner?
    Happy Holidays, Pat, and I wish you the best 2013.

    1. Tipsy, Sunset Mag has a good article on fresh vs fake trees. It sounds like you and Mark are just making lasting holiday memories for the kiddies.
      I am making a Beef filet w. potato and celery root gratin, other stuff but my fav is Christmas plum pudding which I flame. Let's hope it all works out. Merry Christmas.

  2. Yum Pat! You can make something out of nothing!

    Love you,
