Sunday, February 3, 2013

Superbowl XLVII brunch, sort of

Well, the 49ers are back in the Superbowl. Soooo happy. I busted out all of our 49er paraphernalia. We used to have season's tickets in the 1980's but that never got us to playoff games or a Superbowl so we just had parties in our Mill Valley home.  I think our spirits are still there as the nice people that bought that house are 49er fans as well, at least the husband is. The cooking continues as well. Yea Jennifer!!

This morning I continue the ritual of making brunch but it is only one dish. No bread, fruit or anything crunchy. I had dental surgery last week and have to eat soft food for awhile. No matter. I found a container of leftover Chicken-Yam Hash in the freezer, pulled out my always in the frig "brunch salsa" and an egg.

Displaying the 49er stuff was the fun part.  I made the tablecloth and we took it to a Superbowl party in 1995 in Berkeley. We went to with our close friends Puff and Weezie. Unfortunately it was Weezie's last Superbowl party. Everyone signed the cloth that somehow I ended up with. I bring it out every time the 49ers are in playoff games.  Today it will travel to Vilia and Mike's house for the party. Half of our little town will probably be there all bringing food and drinks.

My one dish brunch consisted of heating up the hash in a little cazuela, poaching the egg, heating up the salsa and assembling it. Hash, salsa around, egg on top, more salsa and a sprinkling of Queso Fresco ( you could use any cheese).
It was pretty perfect for what it was. A glass of bubbly topped it off.
Perfectly cooked egg, my favorite

For the party this afternoon, I am making Potato Taquitos. A simple filling of potatoes mashed with cheese and onions rolled up in a corn tortilla and fried. Decorate the platter with Queso Fresco and serve with a salsa. 
If I don't get going I'll be late for the party.